Medici Money Essay.
Out of the many factors of PERSIA (politics, economics, religion, society, intellect, and anesthetics) I feel that politics is the most changing factor in revolution. Politics means "social relations involving authority or power" Aka, who has the money and social backup controls the authority and power. The Medici family had the authority, the money, the people, and the power. Why? Because they were well known and people loved them. They controlled every ones money, they controlled the loans and the interest. Why wouldn't you want to make friends with the Medici.
Political power: "Is a type of power held by a person or group in a society. Political power is held by the holders of sovereignty. Political powers are not limited to heads of states, however, and the extent to which a person or group holds such power is related to the amount of societal influence they can wield. The ability to influence the behaviour of others with or without resistance." Said by Wikipedia. I think this is a good description of political power. It is also a good description of the Medici family. No matter who was really in office, the Medici was the group that held the power, they had the societal influence. They had that ability to influence the behavior of others.
Whoever has the money and power runs the state, because of societal influence. The Medici more or less ran Florence. Your family name had everything to do with politics, your financial history. Not your education, or your ability to work. To even qualify for the new government or the Signoria made up of eight priors and a Gonflaoniere della giustizia (a high communal post, higher than the other eight) men had to meet certain restrictive financial and family criteria. Lucky for Cosimo he had money, he was educated and had the ability to work. He loaned money out and he was a giver. People loved him and he had tons of supporters, but also being this way you are going to have enemies. That's why in 1433 Cosimo was to be exiled or beheaded. He had so many followers though, that Rinaldo degli Albizzi (the signoria of the time) his enemy couldn't possibly sentence him to death for not paying his taxes. So Cosimo was exiled, but that didn't stop him. Everyone knew it wouldn't. When another set of priors was elected, Cosimo came back. The Pope left and Cosimo fell into a very high political position. He now ruled everything. The money and the power. He exiled Rinaldo degli Albizzi along with others, and when they went to Venice, because Cosimo had so many friends they were all beheaded. Furthermore, politics means having money and support behind you, and because the Medici family had those things they rose to the top. Causing a revolution.
No matter who is in office or who runs the state politics is the dominant causing factor. Yes, the Medici family caused the revolution, but politics in general helped them do that. With Rinaldo degli Albizzi elected, Cosimo was sent to exile made friends in Venice and then returned. So what politicians say and do helps cause revolution. Along with that, whenever there is a revolution politics change. For example, Feudalism changed to Monarchy. Politicians in office or "politicians" like the some of the Medici set the laws, then people abide by them. How can a revolution change without politics? They tell you what to do. The Pope for example said usury was wrong, but he did it! People saw that and did it themselves, like the Medici. The Pope was a political figure so people listen to him. Although what political figures say wasn't necessarily what people were doing at the time, because of what politicians did. It's what politicians say and DO. The usury law meant nothing if the even the Pope doesn't follow it. Not only that but people did it to make money. That is how you made money, by committing usury. That's how the Medici drove a revolution.
You could say that I am describing a little of economics too. That is true because the Medici controlled all of the money of the time. Which is a huge factor in revolution. Although controlling the money by itself is not enough. You need society backup and followers, family name and financial background. You need authority and power, as well as money. This is what causes revolution.
The Medici family had the money, they were known to be one of, if not the wealthiest family in Europe. Because they ran the bank and have run the condottiere (leader of a band of mercenaries to fight in wars) before, they make political decisions. When Florence went to war they went into debt. The families with the money refused to pay taxes and the people without money were paying them. So Cosimo, because he controlled the bank, the money, and the power decided that if you have certain amounts of land and money you pay a certain amount of taxes; "Taxation in proportion to ability to pay." They started interest to gain money, after that there were no more willing loaners without something in return. So as you can see, being apart of the political world, and not only that but being in control by societal influence, which is also being apart of the political world causes revolutions. The Medici family being so rich and well liked, they had political control. In conclusion, having political control no matter what, causes revolution. Politics is what caused the Renaissance revolution, revolutions before that, and every revolution to come after.